Once you have selected the procedure from the catalog and read the description, before starting the procedure it is recommended to have the documentation that must be provided ready in some digital format (preferably PDF).

Remember to give the documents an identification name to make the work easier for the entity's staff (for example: application, annex 1...).

In any case, when you want to process from the procedure sheet, start the procedure by clicking the “Start ” button:


Figure 1: Image of the start processing button


If the procedure requires authentication (the vast majority do), the following screen will appear where you can select the authentication method.


Figure 2: Image of the different authentication systems


If you need information about authentication, you can consult the details about the use of IdCat Mobil as well as the Valid solution that we use in the e-TRAM service.

Once authenticated, the selected processing form will appear, which you will have to fill in. You will have to go through the different screens until processing as in this example of an instance for the Alella City Council.


Figure 3: Image of the main screen of a procedure, in this case a generic instance

Remember that you can also (among other things):

  • add attached documentation
  • select if you act with representation
  • decide whether you want to select postal or electronic notification

Finally you will reach a data summary screen that you will need to verify before continuing.


Figure 4: Image of the summary screen of a procedure, in this case a generic instance


Pay attention to the button that starts the process:


Figure 5: Image of checking and validating the data contained in the form


You will see that the receipt is being generated and that the document is being sent for signature.

Figure 5: Image of the final screen of the procedure

At the same time, you will also receive an email with the receipt and an SMS on your mobile phone with a summary of the procedure. Likewise, the applicant for the procedure will always be able to enter “My space” and view it.

Any procedure includes a registration number, a date and time, and a series of attachments. So that all the requirements of the administrative procedure law are met, you will have a total guarantee.


Figure 6: Image of access to download the receipt generated when submitting the procedure

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